Salman Khan's film Jai Ho has received mixed reactions at the box-office and the superstar feels that the response at the theatres and the collections garnered are not "matching up". "This time we are also confused because the reactions inside the theatres and the collections are not
matching up. So it's a very strange thing," the 48-year-old said here Monday at the launch of Gixxer bikes by Suzuki.
However, Salman believes that their effort at doing something different from their regular stuff might be a reason for people not thronging to the theatres.
"We have done something different, may be people were expecting something like Dabangg, Ready like time pass film to enjoy. Some must have understood that Jai Ho is not that kind of film, this is a serious film with a social message," Salman said.
"I will only say that the credit or the blame for my film should come to me and not to anybody else. Perhaps I have failed in bringing in the people," he said.
Directed by his brother Sohail Khan, Jai Ho has managed to collect around approximately Rs. 61 crore in the opening weekend of it's release.
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